Study Guide
Field 205: Early Childhood Education
Test Design and Framework
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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.
Test Design
*Does not include 15-minute C B T tutorial
Test Framework
Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.
subarea roman numeral 1–Child Development, Language, and Learning
Competency 0001–Apply knowledge of early childhood development from birth through grade three and factors that influence children's development and learning.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical foundations (e.g., cognitive, social, behavioral) and current scientifically based research regarding the development and learning of children from birth through age eight.
- Recognize characteristics, progressions, and variations of development in the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, language, sensory, and aesthetic domains and the interrelationships between the various domains.
- Apply knowledge of exceptionalities and health conditions and their implications for development, safety, and learning in young children.
- Apply knowledge of the multiple functions of play in early learning for building and supporting skills in motor development, cognition, language/communication, social skills, inquiry and discovery, and problem-solving skills.
- Apply knowledge of factors (e.g., family, culture, community) that influence young children's development and learning and how these factors interact with one another.
- Analyze factors (e.g., stages of development, environmental influences) related to young children's development of self-concept, self-discipline, motivation, and autonomy, including decision-making, self-assessment, and self-help skills.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for fostering all children's development in regard to self-concept, self-control, and self-reliance using a variety of experiences, including play, creative activities, and cooperative learning.
Competency 0002–Apply knowledge of expressive and receptive language development and how to provide learning experiences that encourage children's development and use of language and literacy skills.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Understand stages and characteristics of language development, including environmental factors and experiences that influence young children's expressive and receptive language.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for promoting children's oral vocabulary, listening skills, and oral expression in varied contexts (e.g., interacting with peers, exploring environments, participating in whole-class and small-group discussions, responding to literature read-alouds and higher-order questioning); and for creating a language-rich environment that encourages all children to learn to communicate effectively.
- Apply knowledge of developmentally appropriate implicit and explicit instruction for developing children's language skills.
- Analyze relationships between oral language and literacy development, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and spelling development.
- Apply knowledge of skills and strategies for assessing children's language development and for promoting language development for children with varied strengths and needs.
Competency 0003–Apply knowledge of cognitive development of young children and how to provide instructional activities and a classroom environment that offer young children opportunities to develop a range of cognitive skills and abilities.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Analyze the instructional implications of children's varied learning and thinking approaches and preferences, including recognizing the basic processes of second-language acquisition (e.g., the "nonverbal period," relationships between second-language acquisition and continued development of skills in the first language).
- Analyze cultural, social, and environmental factors as well as linguistic and developmental processes that affect all children's literacy development.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for enhancing young children's ability and motivation to use thinking skills and solve problems, including strategies for identifying and building on young children's prior knowledge and emerging interests and skills in the content areas.
- Demonstrate understanding of strategies for integrating content and ideas across the curriculum in ways that help children make connections, explore interrelationships, and understand phenomena in their world.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for assessing and addressing individual children's needs and interests; and for providing all children with meaningful, equitable, and developmentally appropriate opportunities for cognitive growth.
- Demonstrate understanding of current cognitive and constructivist theories (e.g., Bruner, Piaget, Montessori, Vygotsky) on which developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education are based.
subarea roman numeral 2–The Learning Environment, Physical Development, and Assessment
Competency 0004–Apply knowledge of methods, strategies, and procedures to create and manage positive learning environments for children in prekindergarten through grade three.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of the development, characteristics, and needs of young children to create learning environments that are safe and healthy and that promote children's sense of security and independence.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for creating learning environments that reflect respect for children as individuals as well as their cultural, family, and community contexts, while developing caring, supportive relationships with all children.
- Apply knowledge of the development, characteristics, and needs of young children to create supportive and challenging learning environments that promote children's inherent curiosity, sense of competence, and motivation to learn.
- Apply knowledge of ways to incorporate varied and developmentally appropriate strategies for promoting children's learning (e.g., independent work, small-group projects, discussions, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-solving experiences); ways to integrate incidental and spontaneous opportunities for teaching; and ways of using the environment, daily routines, personal and social interactions, and play to teach young children.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for encouraging children to develop positive dispositions for learning across the content areas.
- Analyze methods and strategies to manage the learning environment by creating procedures, schedules, and routines; facilitating transitions; and addressing behaviors through scientifically valid, research-based, and developmentally appropriate guidance and behavior management systems.
Competency 0005–Apply knowledge of how various types of instructional materials and resources, including current technology, can be used to support young children's learning.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Identify instructional materials and resources used within early childhood education contexts and evaluate the advantages and limitations of their use across the content areas.
- Apply knowledge of how to select safe, nonbiased, and developmentally appropriate learning resources and materials, including the integration of technology and design of the physical environment, to meet the diverse needs of all children.
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional materials and resources (e.g., manipulatives, visual supports, technology tools, materials modified to support goals and objectives) in meeting specified learner needs.
- Apply knowledge of how to select and use various types of technology based on an understanding of how young children think, process information, and develop concepts in the content areas.
- Apply knowledge of how to integrate technology and other instructional resources into the learning environment to provide opportunities for differentiation; increase meaningful access to the curriculum and instructional goals; and enhance children's communicative, cognitive, and social skills.
Competency 0006–Understand young children's physical development and their needs related to personal health, safety, and nutrition and strategies for providing developmentally appropriate experiences and environments.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Demonstrate understanding of the development of physical skills (e.g., fine- and gross-motor skills, locomotor skills, nonlocomotor skills, perceptual awareness, object handling) and the instructional implications of children's varied levels of physical skills development.
- Apply knowledge of the components of fitness (i.e., muscular strength and flexibility) and activities for promoting children's physical health and skills development, and enjoyment of physical activity.
- Demonstrate understanding of principles and practices of personal, interpersonal, and community health and safety skills that are developmentally appropriate for young children (e.g., covering one's mouth when sneezing, fire or tornado safety).
- Understand principles of nutrition (e.g., balanced diet) and the role of nutrition in children's fitness and development.
- Apply knowledge of strategies, including play, for providing children with learning experiences to help them develop physically and become aware of and practice behaviors that promote their own health and safety.
Competency 0007–Understand the goals, benefits, types, and uses of assessment to support young children and their families.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of developmentally and culturally appropriate practices in using formal, informal, performance-based, and authentic assessments for the purpose of formative, summative, and diagnostic evaluations to assess young children's development and learning (e.g., types, characteristics, responsible uses, and limitations of various assessments; strategies for assessing individual children's needs and interests).
- Apply knowledge of considerations and strategies for selecting, designing, adapting, and modifying assessments for all children, including English language learners and children with exceptionalities; and for conducting ongoing systematic observations and informal assessments across the curriculum.
- Apply knowledge of strategies, procedures, and tools for administering, analyzing, and interpreting assessment results, including the use of assessment data to differentiate instruction, document outcomes, and guide practice.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the rationales and strategies for involving children's families, school-based professionals, and outside service providers in the assessment, application, and referral processes.
- Recognize legal and ethical issues related to assessment, responsible assessment practices, and confidentiality.
subarea roman numeral 3–Learning Across the Curriculum
Competency 0008–Apply knowledge of emergent literacy development, including phonological awareness and phonemic awareness and effective instructional strategies for promoting children's knowledge and skills in these areas.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of the development of concepts of print (e.g., awareness that print carries meaning, book-handling skills, understanding of the directionality of print, letter naming, letter recognition), methods for assessing and monitoring children's development in this area, and instructional strategies for promoting related knowledge and skills.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the difference between phonological awareness (i.e., the awareness that oral language is made up of smaller units, such as individual words and syllables) and phonemic awareness (i.e., a specific type of phonological awareness involving the ability to distinguish the separate sounds within a spoken word).
- Understand developmental levels of phonological and phonemic awareness, factors that may affect children's development of skills in these areas, and the role of phonemic awareness in the development of phonics skills (e.g., learning to associate speech sounds with printed letters).
- Apply knowledge of strategies for promoting children's phonemic awareness (e.g., using activities involving oral rhyming, segmenting spoken words into phonemes, blending phonemes to form spoken words, deleting or substituting phonemes in spoken words).
- Apply knowledge of procedures for assessing and monitoring children's phonological and phonemic awareness and for providing instruction to respond to children's needs in this area.
Competency 0009–Apply knowledge of word identification strategies and the use of explicit and implicit instruction to promote children's knowledge and skills in applying word identification strategies.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of research-based instructional strategies to help children understand the alphabetic principle and develop beginning phonics skills (e.g., learning letter-sound correspondences).
- Demonstrate knowledge of explicit and implicit instructional strategies (e.g., Elkonin Boxes, applying vowel patterns, word families) for promoting children's rapid, automatic decoding through the application of phonics skills.
- Apply knowledge of other word identification strategies (e.g., syllabication, structural analysis, use of context clues) and the use of explicit and implicit instruction to help children use these strategies to identify unfamiliar words in isolation and in connected text.
- Apply knowledge of the structure of the English language and the alphabetic writing system, including phonology, morphology, and orthography, and their relationship to children's language development.
- Analyze relationships between children's reading development and their ability to use word identification strategies and apply procedures for assessing and monitoring children's use of word identification strategies for providing instruction to respond to children's needs.
- Apply research-based instructional strategies and methods for helping children master sight words.
Competency 0010–Apply knowledge of reading comprehension, reading fluency, and vocabulary skills and effective instructional strategies for promoting children's development in these areas.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of metacognitive strategies that facilitate comprehension before, during, and after reading (e.g., predicting, self-monitoring, questioning, retelling, rereading) and effective instruction for promoting children's use of these strategies to understand various types of text.
- Apply knowledge of literal, inferential, and critical/evaluative comprehension and instructional strategies that support children's response to text and promote their literal, inferential, and critical/evaluative comprehension (e.g., guided reading, literature and research circles).
- Apply knowledge of appropriate explicit and implicit instruction for promoting children's vocabulary development (e.g., identifying roots and affixes, grouping words in conceptual categories, word mapping).
- Apply knowledge of systematic and ongoing procedures for assessing and monitoring children's reading comprehension and vocabulary development and for providing instruction to respond to children's needs in these areas.
- Apply knowledge of effective instructional strategies for assessing, developing, and monitoring children's reading fluency, including prosody (i.e., expression and intonation), accuracy, and rate to aid in comprehension.
- Demonstrate knowledge of children's literature, including genres of children's literature, elements of story, various works and authors, representation and equity issues, and how to promote children's respect for and appreciation of diverse literature.
Competency 0011–Apply knowledge of writing processes and effective instructional strategies for promoting young children's writing skills, including spelling proficiency.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Analyze factors affecting young children's development of writing skills.
- Apply knowledge of methods for helping children develop and apply writing skills (e.g., using the writing process, writing in a range of formats for various purposes, recognizing and using standard English conventions) and for promoting children's interest and engagement in writing.
- Analyze relationships between reading and writing and apply knowledge of ways to use children's writing experiences to support their reading development.
- Understand relationships between spelling patterns and speech sounds, methods for supporting children at each stage of spelling development, and effective strategies for providing direct and indirect instruction to promote children's spelling proficiency.
- Apply knowledge of procedures for assessing and monitoring children's writing and spelling skills and for providing instruction to respond to children's needs in these areas.
Competency 0012–Apply knowledge of the fundamental skills, concepts, and vocabulary in mathematics and how to provide developmentally appropriate learning opportunities to enhance young children's mathematical understanding.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of how to build on children's interests to help them use mathematics to make sense of their world.
- Demonstrate understanding of the mathematics continuum of development and appropriate ways to sequence skills and concepts in teaching mathematics to young children.
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to incorporate play and the use of manipulatives into classroom activities to promote children's development of mathematical understanding.
- Apply knowledge of metacognitive strategies to develop meaningful, concrete learning experiences to promote children's engagement in mathematical inquiry, thinking, and skills (e.g., using mathematics in everyday situations, devising strategies for solving mathematical problems, one-to-one correspondence).
- Demonstrate knowledge of areas of mathematical content (e.g., number and operations, algebraic reasoning and algebra, geometry and measurement, data and probability) and mathematical language.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for promoting children's knowledge and skills in the areas of mathematical content and language through a variety of appropriate learning experiences, including integration of mathematics with other content areas.
- Apply knowledge of teaching practices that enhance children's mathematical problem solving and reasoning and promote their ability to represent, communicate, and connect mathematical ideas.
Competency 0013–Apply knowledge of the skills and concepts in science and social studies and how to provide developmentally appropriate experiences that promote young children's inquiry, exploration, and learning in these areas.
start italics Demonstrate knowledge of strategies and practices for promoting effective school–home collaborations and encouraging families' involvement in their children's education. end italics
- Apply knowledge of how to plan and implement an inquiry-based science program that is responsive to children's diverse interests, knowledge, skills, and experience and that promotes children's development of scientific knowledge and skills.
- Demonstrate understanding of disciplinary core principles and phenomena (i.e., life science, physical science, Earth and space science, engineering, technology, and applications of science) and how to foster children's understanding of these science fields.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for encouraging children to explore and make discoveries about their world (e.g., using their senses and simple tools to gain information about their environment, drawing conclusions on the basis of their observations).
- Apply knowledge of instructional strategies for encouraging children to view themselves as competent scientific explorers and activities for promoting their ability to think and communicate scientifically (e.g., by providing opportunities to observe and describe objects and phenomena; develop and use models; engage in simple investigations; and apply skills such as making predictions, engaging in scientific arguments, classifying and interpreting data, recognizing patterns, and drawing conclusions).
- Apply knowledge of instructional resources for teaching science and procedures for ensuring safety during classroom science activities.
- Apply knowledge of democratic practices and values and how to foster children's understanding and application of democratic principles and personal responsibility in various settings and situations.
- Demonstrate basic knowledge and skills in history, geography, economics, and civics and how to promote children's knowledge and skills in these areas (e.g., locating and interpreting information, making and using maps, answering historical questions).
- Apply knowledge of instructional strategies that enhance children's understanding of their family, citizenship, community, and culture.
- Apply knowledge of instructional strategies and activities for promoting children's appreciation of and respect for human diversity and its significance in their community and in the larger world.
Competency 0014–Apply knowledge of the role of the arts, including visual arts, music, creative movement, dance, and drama, in the overall development of young children and how to provide children with a range of meaningful experiences in the arts.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts, techniques, materials, and cultural influences related to visual arts, music, creative movement, dance, and drama and apply strategies for promoting children's knowledge and skills in these areas.
- Apply knowledge of the concepts and skills necessary for all young children to participate in, produce, and respond to various types of art.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for promoting children's use of the arts as a medium for viewing the world, exploring ideas, and expressing thoughts and feelings.
- Apply knowledge of how to use the arts to help children achieve desired outcomes in various domains (e.g., using finger painting to encourage individual expression and improve motor control, using music to foster language development, using dramatic play activities to explore healthy ways to express feelings, using creative movement to foster awareness of the body and surrounding world).
subarea roman numeral 4–Professional Knowledge and Responsibilities
Competency 0015–Apply knowledge of strategies for building positive, collaborative relationships with children's families, other professionals, and community agencies and organizations.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Demonstrate knowledge of the roles of parents/guardians as primary caregivers and informal teachers of children, factors in the home and community that may affect children's development and learning, and strategies for working collaboratively with children's families.
- Analyze the role of family dynamics in building positive and supportive relationships with children and their families.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for initiating and sustaining communication with families to promote children's development and learning and for providing families with information, support, and referrals.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for creating meaningful, respectful, and reciprocal relationships with all children's families and for engaging families' and communities' active participation in promoting children's development and learning.
- Demonstrate understanding of the roles of other professionals, community agencies, and organizations that provide services to young children and their families and strategies for working effectively with such groups.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for building collaborative partnerships with colleagues, supervisors, support staff, and administrators.
Competency 0016–Understand the roles and responsibilities of early childhood teachers.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Demonstrate knowledge of the key historical and philosophical foundations of early childhood education and their influence on practices in the field.
- Demonstrate knowledge of key current issues and educational trends for young children and their significance for early childhood professionals.
- Demonstrate knowledge of major laws, regulations, guidelines, and ethical standards related to responsibilities and roles of the early childhood education teacher (e.g., promoting children's learning; advocating for children and their families; reporting suspected abuse and/or neglect).
- Demonstrate knowledge of the responsibilities and requirements of early childhood education teachers regarding the development of Individualized Family Service Plans (I F S Pees) and Individualized Education Programs (I E Pees).
- Apply knowledge of strategies for engaging in ongoing professional development and personal reflection.
- Demonstrate knowledge of organizations, publications, and other resources relevant to the field of early childhood education.
subarea roman numeral 5–Analysis of Young Children's Learning
Competency 0017–Analyze and interpret authentic assessment and relevant student data to identify areas of need and describe developmentally appropriate strategies to effectively address individual student needs.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Apply knowledge of ways to incorporate an evidence-based and developmentally appropriate approach to address an individual student's academic or social-emotional learning need.
- Apply knowledge of strategies and activities for making learning meaningful and for enhancing young children's motivation and engagement.
- Demonstrate the ability to discuss the appropriateness and effectiveness of the selected approach, strategy, and activity, including ways to evaluate the student's performance and progress.