Study Guide

Field 117: U S History/Oklahoma History/Government/Economics 
Test Design and Framework

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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Test overview, including duration of test, number of questions, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test ( C B T ) and online proctored test
Number of Questions 80 selected-response questions and 1 constructed-response assignment
Time* 4 hours
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute  C B T  tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Test weighting by number of questions per subarea.
Subareas Range of Competencies Approximate Percentage 
of Test
 roman numeral 1  U S and Oklahoma History 0001–0010 51 percent 
 roman numeral 2  Government and Political Science 0011–0014 21 percent 
 roman numeral 3  Economics 0015–0017 13 percent 
this cell intentionally left blank 85 percent 
 roman numeral 4  Pedagogical Content Knowledge 0018 15 percent 
this cell intentionally left blank 15 percent 

subarea roman numeral 1U S and Oklahoma History

Competency 0001–Understand and apply historical terms, concepts, and research skills; and demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret historical information.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0002–Understand and analyze American Indian societies before European contact, the course of European settlement in North America, and the institutions, structure, and development of colonial societies.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0003–Understand and analyze the principal causes and key events of the Revolutionary War and the major political, economic, and social developments related to the formation and evolution of government and politics during the early years of the Republic.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0004–Understand and analyze Jacksonian Democracy, westward expansion, and the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments in the United States from 18 15 to 18 50.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0005–Understand and analyze the origins, key events, and major social, economic, and political consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0006–Understand and analyze the impact of expansion and industrialization on U S society, the reimposition of white rule in the South, and the changing role of the United States in world affairs at the beginning of the twentieth century.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0007–Understand and analyze major political, cultural, and economic developments in the United States between 19 20 and 19 45 and the causes, key events, and significant effects of U S involvement in World War 2.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0008–Understand and analyze U S foreign policy and the role it has played in domestic and global developments since World War 2.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0009–Understand and analyze the economic, social, and political transformation of the United States since World War 2.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0010–Understand and analyze major political, social, and economic developments and institutions and the key eras and events in the history of the state of Oklahoma.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 2–Government and Political Science

Competency 0011–Understand important political science concepts and apply that knowledge to analyze contemporary political issues.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0012–Understand and analyze the principles of democratic government in the United States and compare the political and economic systems of the United States with those of other nations.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0013–Understand and analyze the structure, organization, and operation of different levels of government in the United States.

 start italics Demonstrate knowledge of strategies and practices for promoting effective school–home collaborations and encouraging families' involvement in their children's education. end italics 

Competency 0014–Understand and analyze the U S election process, political participation, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a democratic society.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 3–Economics

Competency 0015–Understand important economic concepts, problems, goals, and theories and apply that knowledge to analyze various economic institutions and public policies.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0016–Understand and analyze the components, structure, organization, and operation of the U S economy and the roles of labor, business, consumers, and government in the U S economic system.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0017–Understand and analyze the international economy and the relationships between contemporary national economies, and analyze the interdependence of developed and developing economies.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 4–Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Competency 0018–Apply pedagogical content knowledge to design developmentally appropriate instruction to help students achieve a specific, standards-based learning goal in social studies.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics